21 November 2008

'A Journey' - 2009 Quilt Exhibition

The Hands Across the Border exhibition opens in the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin on February 25th. This exhibition is a biennial exhibition from the members of the Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild and the Irish Patchwork Society.

Entries are invited from members of the IPS and members can find the entry form here or in their Winter 2008 newsletter.

9th January 2009. Entry form completed and with your Branch Representative.
(See your newsletter for Branch Rep name and contact details.)

January Branch Meeting. Finished piece to be submitted.
6th February 2009. Entries with Branch Reps
25th February 2009. Exhibition Opens

The exhibition title is 'A Journey' - any technique, no size limit and must be three layers.

Visit the Hands Across the Border 'Hanging Together' exhibition from 2007 from the members of the NIPG and IPS in our virtual exhibition space. To renew your membership or join our society visit us at http://www.irishpatchwork.ie.

02 November 2008

Update from the Knitting and Stitching Show

The IPS stand at the Knitting & Stitching Show in the RDS, Dublin from 30th October to 2nd November proved very popular.

The quilts on display from our 'Links' national exhibition were much admired, these quilts was also exhibited in Kilkenny in June this year and are now on permanent display in our virtual exhibition space. Visit the 'Links' exhibition.

27 October 2008

Visit us at the Knitting & Stitching Show

The Irish Patchwork Society will be at the Knitting & Stitching Show in the RDS, Dublin from Thursday 30th October until Sunday 2nd November. We will have a stand where you can meet our members, see their work and see copies of our newsletter. We hope you will be inspired to join one of our 8 branches that meet regularly all over Ireland. Our diaries and branch locations will be available at our stand and on this site.

We will also have on display our 'Links' national exhibition from 2008. Pictured is 'The ties that bind' by Niamh Langan Kelehan which is just one of the many quilts that will be on display.

For more information about the Knitting & Stitching Show in Dublin, visit the TwistedThread website.

18 October 2008

AGM & Conference Update

We are pleased to welcome the newest branch of the Irish Patchwork Society. The new South Western branch, which will be meeting in Keel, Castlemaine, Co. Kerry. was formally affiliated to the Society at the recent AGM on 18th October. Our Society now has eight branches in Ireland.

Sara Impey spoke after the official AGM business and enthralled with her explanations of her detailed and inspiring pieces.

Our members gathered at the end of the day for a photograph to be published in a Japanese quilting magazine on patchwork and quilting in Ireland.

Full details of the AGM and Sara's workshop will be published in the Winter newsletter.

19 August 2008

IPS - AGM & Conference,18th October 2008

The AGM of the Irish Patchwork Society takes place on Saturday morning the 18th October 2008. On Saturday afternoon Sara Impey will speak on "Text - Texture and Subtext - The Quilting Story". A workshop on "Free Machine Quilting" will be given by Sara on Sunday 19th October. All of this is on in the Deer Park Hotel, Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

There are places remaining on the workshop and members can continue to use the booking form and contact details published in the Summer 2008 newsletter. To join the Irish Patchwork Society, please visit our website for a membership form.

20 June 2008

National Exhibition opens on 21st June 2008 in Kilkenny

The IPS National Quilt Exhibition 2008 opens on 21st June 2008. More than 50 quilts will be on display and they show traditional and contemporary designs, from small wall hangings to bed-sized quilts. The quilts come from quilters all over Ireland.

The IPS has 7 branches all over Ireland so if you are interested in joining us come and get details of those branches and don’t forget to visit our website.

Venue: Cillín Hill, Dublin Road, Kilkenny

Dates: 21st June – 6th July 2008

Times: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm

24 May 2008

Irish Hungarian Round Robin

Irish Patchwork Society members from Western Branch have been involved in making round robin quilts with quilters from Hungary. A round robin quilt is each made by a pair of quilters. In this project 20 quilters from Ireland and 20 Hungarian quilters took part. To start, everyone made a block for the centre, this centre was passed to the other country, where your counterpart added the first border. Then the quilt came back to you to add the second border and finish the quilt. So everyone involved got a quilt to keep.

Pictured is one pair of these quilts. Irish quilter has used Hungarian blue materials in her quilt and the Hungarian quilt has patterns inspired by Newgrange. An exhibition of the Irish owned quilts is currently on display in the Galway Museum until end of May along with quilts of Western Branch exhibition "Treasured Memories".
Irish Patchwork Society members will see more of the quilts and details of the round robin in their next newsletter. To join the IPS, please visit our website at http://www.irishpatchwork.ie

24 February 2008

IPS National Quilt Exhibition 2008 - LINKS

The IPS National Quilt Exhibition 2008 opens in Cillin Hill, Kilkenny, Ireland on 21st June 2008.

Entries are invited from members of the IPS and members can find the entry form here or in the Winter 2007 newsletter. This form should be completed and returned to the organisers by Friday 7th March 2008.

The theme is 'Links' and the organising committee would like a quilt from every member! - any technique, no size limit and must be three layers. If you're not a member, you can join by visiting http://www.irishpatchwork.ie.