21 December 2011

Festival of Quilts 2012 - Amended Competition Rules

A few (minor) alterations have been made to the Rules and Regulations for the quilt competitions at the Festival of Quilts next year. By clicking on the link at the bottom of the post, you can download the up-to-date version. The key differences are to do with the definition of exactly who can claim to be an “amateur” rather than a “professional” quilter. 

The organisers of the exhibit (Twisted Thread) also hope to encourage more people to participate by entering a quilt. The stance at The Festival of Quilts is to welcome all comers! Every single quilt on display will prove to be the absolute favourite for at least one of the visitors, and it would be a particular privilege to show work from someone who has never yet entered any competition anywhere. So many quilters simply don’t want to get involved in what they see as the fad and fuss of entering a quilt show – after all, their work is simply to be shared by family and friends. They like to think of the Festival of Quilts visitor as being part of a very large, international family so please don’t be put off. The message is simple. Please enter a quilt!

The programme for next year's event is pretty well advanced. Full details will be available in mid February when bookings will be going live. There’s lots of exciting news to convey but you might already know that they will be featuring a huge Pauline Burbidge Retrospective which also features brand new work. 

I wish you happiness over the Festive Season – but keep quilting
With kind regards
Andrew JM Salmon
Managing Director