22 August 2013

IPS National AGM 19th October

Just a quick reminder for the AGM  19th October  in Waterford.

The Pia Puonti workshop spaces (20th October) have now all been filled.

Don't forget to make the baby quilts for the exhibition  and if you can't get to the AGM perhaps you could make one and send it with someone who is coming to Waterford.
Please state if you want the quilt returned to you or if you are donating it to the baby units in the South-East hospitals.  You can send as many quilts as you like.

Theme:   Nursery Rhymes.
Size:    18" x 20"  approx.

If you are going to donate it afterwards then you don't need to put a sleeve on it.

The hospitals require quilts both with and without wadding.  (without wadding quilts can be finished using the 'pillowcase' method ( no binding ).

We hope to see as many of you as possible on the weekend.  Pia does a wonderful talk / show and tell.